It's time for Canada and Canadian politicians to wake up. Canada's dirty little secret is not so secret any more. More and more publications are running articles about the inhumane export of horses to Japan for slaughter for human consumption (and slaughter within...
2 Pet horses stolen and slaughtered for human consumption
“They were family”. Woman horrified to learn 2 horses were stolen and sold to be slaughtered for human consumption.
Read the full story at CTV
Kathy O’Reilly says she still feels numb after learning from RCMP Monday that her two beloved horses — reported missing over the weekend — were stolen, shipped to a nearby slaughterhouse and slaughtered for human consumption.
Read the full story in the Calgary Herald.
PLEASE NOTE: Slaughtering horses for human consumption is no longer legal within the United States but horses from the United States are routinely shipped to Canada and to Mexico to be slaughtered for that purpose.
Some of the horse meat is consumed in Canada and much of it is shipped to other markets including the European Union, Japan, South Korea and China.
Unless your horse has an easily visible brand there is NO requirement on the part of the slaughter houses in Canada to double check that a horse that is being sold to them, does indeed legally belong to the person selling them the horse.
In addition there is NOT a mandatory hold time after a horse has been sold to a slaughter plant so horses are often slaughtered the same day they arrive at the plant.
In other words, there are those whose horses have been slaughtered before they even realize that their horses have been stolen.
Many Canadians live within an easy drive of a slaughter plant in Alberta or Quebec, and could easily wake up to realize that their horse, or horses are missing, or come home from a long day at work, and by the time they realize that their horse has been stolen, their horse or horses could already be slaughtered.
As you peruse other Blog posts on this site, you’ll learn this is NOT an isolated case.
It may be hard for some to believe that tens of thousands of horses, including pets, are routinely slaughtered in Canada, for human consumption.
Some of the meat is consumed in Canada and much of it is shipped to the European Union and other markets, including Japan.
The barbaric slaughter of horses is currently not legal in the United States, BUT horses, including pets and ex-racehorses, from the United States are shipped to Canada and to Mexico to be slaughtered.
In addition Canada allows for the transportation of live horses to Japan, to be slaughtered for human consumption, and unfortunately the transportation of horses destined for slaughter within Canada, and by air, is far from humane.
Guardian Publishes Horse Slaughter Article
Horse Slaughter in Australia
UNDER COVER VIDEO AT AUSTRALIAN SLAUGHTERHOUSEUndercover investigations in Australia show the horrendous animal welfare conditions in the EU-approved Meramist slaughterhouse. This video is graphic, but it's only 2 minutes and important to share to help raise...
Please be sure to check that your speakers are on.Banksy's street art against cruelty towards animals. Turn on sound📢— 🔴 AnikettⓋ ❤🌱🐄🐖🐘🌱 (@aniket_anikett) December 20, 2019 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Banksy...