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On Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 4:30 pm I was called by my second cousin’s wife, Dianne Beleskey to ask if I could help a young lady whose mare had given birth the night before.
Dianne works at a gas station close to a property that Stephanie Redlick leases and Stephanie came into the gas station to get some water for the mare.

Stephanie Redlick told Dianne the foal was born during the night in a small uninsulated barn. The outside temperature was minus 18 Celsius. (Minus 26 with the wind chill factor.)
The newborn somehow got hung up over a chain that goes from a gate to a post at the end of the stall and the foal was stuck there until Stephanie - who does not live on the property - arrived the next day.
Once freed from the gate the foal's back legs were stiff.
I arrived at approximately 6 pm.
When I went into the small barn, which is more of a shed, I saw the mom and her foal.
The stall had about 3 feet of manure in it and the mare was eating hay that was also her bedding.
The baby was uncovered and cold. I immediately got a bottle from Stephanie, fed the foal and asked Stephanie to milk the mother and get more milk to feed the filly.
I covered the foal in blankets and rubbed her.
I squeezed her back legs and was happy to get a response to the pressure.
I lifted her up and she was putting some weight on her back legs but she was not strong enough to keep standing on her own.
I laid her back down and fed her again.
She had a vigorous appetite.
I told Stephanie that the mare and foal needed to go to the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph and that I would arrange for transportation.
She said she couldn’t afford trailering, so I said I would pay for it.
Stephanie’s mother was there as well. I told both of them that they must stay with the baby all night feeding her, keeping her warm and allowing her to sleep between feedings.
I warned them that she would die if they did not do as I asked.
They both agreed to stay all night in their vehicle and care for the foal until I picked her up in the morning.
I received a text from Stephanie around 6:15 am saying she just went back to Toronto (an hour away from the foal) to nap and that I could load her and take her.
I said she had to be present as I didn't want to later be accused of stealing her.
She then said she had to take her dad to the hospital and would not be able to get back to the barn till later.
I asked her when the foal was last fed. She said 7:15 a.m. which didn't make sense as she sent me a text at 6:15 a.m. that she was an hour away napping - and wouldn't be able to come to the property until later in the morning. She didn't get to the barn until after 9 a.m.
I looked after my horses and then headed over to the property Stephanie leases to wait for Stephanie and to feed the foal while I waited.
When I got there I could see the baby half covered with the blankets and she had digging marks all around her, made by the mother trying to get her up.
The foal was dead.
Stephanie did not stay the night and texted Dianne during the night to say she didn’t stay because she was too tired.
When Stephanie arrived, I looked at her and told her the foal was dead.
I asked her if she stayed all night and she swore she did and said she fed her every twenty minutes and rubbed her all night to keep her warm.
That didn't make sense based on what she'd texted Dianne Beleskey.
I am including a screenshot (below) of the message Stephanie sent to Dianne on Sunday evening February 2, stating that she'd left.
Stephanie did not appear upset in any way, she Just wanted to know how to dispose of the body. I told her to call a dead stock company but instead after 2 days of the dead foal lying in the stall with the mother, she dragged it to the woods for coyotes to eat.
I would also like to note that inside the "barn" any water buckets were frozen solid and the outside water troughs were empty.
I am haunted by this situation.
Had I known what I was dealing with I would have stayed.
I’m certain the foal would have lived.
At that point, I vowed that this beautiful foal's death would not be in vain and that I would do anything and everything I could to stop Stephanie Redlick from inflicting such cruelty on any other trusting beautiful soul.
Horses only have us to protect them and now after a week of endless phone calls and police visits I am frustrated that it feels like my complaints and concerns are falling on deaf ears.
Earlier, she had assured Jim Horne that she would stay with the newborn foal throughout the night, ensuring she was fed every twenty minutes and kept warm.
Jim had emphasized that if Stephanie didn’t stay, the foal—who was too weak to stand and unable to nurse from her mother—would not survive.

Despite this, Stephanie appears to have left the barn around 11 PM, possibly even earlier. Given that she lives an hour away from where the foal was, it seems unlikely that she kept her promise.
As a result, the helpless foal was left alone in the freezing barn. By the time Jim arrived to take her to the vet, the foal was dead.
We spoke with Summer Secord and her mother, Crystal Mitchell, after Jim Horne reached out to them regarding the poor condition of the horses - along with a lack of water and feed - he had seen.
Crystal then began communicating with Stephanie Redlick, and they were eventually able to visit the property mentioned in the article above.
After some discussion, they convinced Stephanie, the owner of approximately 17 horses, to surrender 4 into their care.

When asked how many horses she had, Stephanie Redlick's response:
Most of them are registered thoroughbreds , but those can't leave their bred and owned by my father and I.
Ones I've rescued i can let go
Except the good ones we'd need money for.
Ranging from 15-80K.
Farm horses take for free of course:)

“Except the good ones we’d need money for. Ranging from 15-80K.” – Stephanie Redlick
Again, we say, you be the judge. Does this look like a healthy horse who is receiving quality care? Please note the water buckets are blocks of ice, the “bedding” is a foot or more of manure, this poor mare is skin and bones and has sores. AND yes, she along with 12 others remains in the “care” of Stephanie Redlick who was not willing to relinquish her. (Stephanie reportedly stated she was going to get $13,000 for her.)

The team at has begun raising funds to support the Mitchell family in caring for the 4 emaciated horses they convinced Stephanie Redlick to relinquish.
[UPDATE Feb. 17, 2025: Despite a carefully planned and meticulously followed treatment protocol one of the four -- Seattle Sunrise -- was euthanized on the advice of a veterinarian.]
Providing these horses with veterinary care, prescriptions, specialized nutrition and farrier services has already been costly.
Horse Rescue Fund | 2467863 Alberta Society
is a registered foundation at the federal level with the
Canada Revenue Agency and as such, can issue receipts for donations.
You can confirm HRF's official status here.
Business/Registration number: 798022307 RR 0001
Contact members of the press, especially those who have a history of writing about animal welfare-related cases. Share this link - -- it's been set up specifically to not only raise funds but also awareness with the public and the press.
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Pictures and videos on this page are courtesy of Summer Secord, Crystal Mitchell and Celia Carletti.
Press contact: or phone: 250 801 8231
JANUARY 6, 2025 BOUVRY FINED A "guilty plea of sorts" today for Bouvry. Instead of going through with scheduled court dates, Bouvry will pay... $17,000.00 in fines and surcharges. Plus a small fortune they would’ve likely dished out for Calgary counsel. January 6,...
JAN. 18/25 UPDATE: THANKS TO YOUR HELP 16 HORSES ARE SAFE (2 NOW IN PERMANENT HOMES) BUT WITH YOUR HELP WE HAVE ROOM TO SAVE 4 MORE. BOUVRY IS SLAUGHTERING HORSESFirst, let's start with the fact that the Bouvry slaughter plant in Alberta is STILL slaughtering horses....