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You may remember that Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) board member Shelley Grainger was able to secure the sponsorship of M.P. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith for an e-Petition calling for a ban to the inhumane transport of horses by air, to slaughter. (It’s now closed).
Well that is NOT the only way that this Liberal Member of Parliament for Beaches East York, Ontario is sympathetic and friendly to animal rights.
Take a moment to read this post to learn more about Nate and what he stands for including when it comes to animal and human rights. As aways, please feel free to share too.
As always very special thanks to the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) for taking the time to put this together and for all that they do for so many.
To make it as easy and quick as possible for you to find out how your Federal Candidates feel about horse slaughter in Canada, please feel free to copy and paste (be sure to fill in the blanks) the following in an email or Fax to YOUR candidates.
Scroll down for links to use to find your candidates for each of the four parties.
Dear Candidate,
A Nanos poll conducted in June 2019 revealed that almost 7 out of 10 Canadians would like to see horse slaughter stopped.
As a constituent in the riding, you are hoping to be elected in, I am interested to learn your opinion about the issue of horse slaughter in Canada, as well as the live exports of horses to other countries for slaughter and human consumption.
Kindly take a moment to respond to this brief questionnaire and send me your reply.
Thank you,
__________________ [your full name]
__________________ [your complete mailing address]
__________________ [your e-mail address]
If elected, would you support an end to horse slaughter in Canada? [yes or no]
If elected, would you support an end to live exports of horses from Canada to other countries for slaughter and human consumption? [yes or no]
We are NOT about telling any one how to vote but we would like to humbly and respectfully request that you pay close attention to what your Federal Candidates have to say on the matter of horse slaughter within Canada and the shipping of horses from Canada to be slaughtered else where.
To make it easy for you to contact those running in your riding, so you can learn what their policy will be when it comes to horse slaughter, please click each of the following logo/links:
Are you registered to vote? Have you moved since the last Federal Election? Click here to check if you are registered to vote, change your address or register to vote.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
You do NOT need to be in attendance to win. See below for how to buy tickets in Canada OR the United States. Shipping included!
The extremely talented equestrian photographer Steven Quon has graciously donated a 20″ x 30″ — $600 custom framed, equine wall art canvas to Canadian Horse Defence Coalition to raise money for horse slaughter awareness, and the current ground breaking law suit to stop the inhumane shipping of horses by air to Japan and South Korea, to be slaughtered for human consumption.
The drawing for this gorgeous piece will be held at 4 PM Mountain, Sunday April 28th, 2019 at the CHDC booth #906 at The Mane Event in Red Dear, Alberta.
You do NOT have to be in attendance for the drawing to win.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
Here’s another great example of an amazing Horse Hero. Someone who puts her actions and her money where her mouth is. Meet photographer extraordinaire and horse advocate Trisia Eddy, from The Prairie Dark Room, in Alberta, Canada.
Like so many Trisia is incredibly busy with family and work but even still she recently took the time to shoot and share gorgeous pictures, and to write and share compelling thoughts on the matter of horse slaughter.
In addition she recently volunteered and built a website for Horse Heroes Alberta.
Our hat is off to Trisia who writes:
“It feels exciting and adventurous to be in the field, taking pictures of horses in the wild, or at liberty, at play. However, spend enough time as an advocate for horses, and eventually you will be confronted with the other side of the field: the auction house.
It is a sad reality that as a society, we have created a system which commodifies animals, and horses are no exception. Attend auctions routinely, and you will soon realize that the majority of the animals coming through the door wind up on the truck to the slaughterhouse.
Trace the path of these horses and one cannot help but be appalled: the system is poorly managed, the meat is not fit for human consumption (despite the high prices it garners,) and people willingly turn a blind eye to the amount of indiscriminate over-breeding and abuse that is rampant.
Taking pictures at the auction is controversial and difficult. Some argue it creates unnecessary tension, and insist that it shouldn’t be done. As a photographer, however, it is my role to capture what I see. To me, there is no difference between sharing an image of a horse enjoying freedom, wild in the mountains, and a horse captive in a pen, waiting to be sold to a meat buyer…they are all equal. They show affection to one another, they express interest in the humans they interact with. They exhibit pain and fear. Each and every one of them deserve recognition as a being worthy of respect; each and every one deserve to have their story told.”
Banner image this page courtesy of the very talented photographer and horse advocate Trisia Eddy of The Prairie Darkroom.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
Very special thanks to the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition who will be at the
Mane Event
Red Deer, Alberta.
Booth 906.
April 26th, 27th and 28th.
Special thanks to Lisa Pitts who is heading up this initiative and all the other volunteers making this booth possible.
Learn more about the Mane Event in Red Deer:
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
Help the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition win a ground breaking lawsuit to stop the inhumane transport of horses by air to be slaughtered in Japan and South Korea, for human consumption.
Every year, Canada ships thousands of horses overseas by air cargo so that they can be slaughtered for human consumption.
In 2017 public records show that 4,846 horses were shipped to Japan for this purpose.
In 2018 just shy of 9,000 horses were shipped from Canada to Japan to be slaughtered for human consumption.
These horses are NOT shipped the way that show horses are shipped, instead they are crammed in wooden crates that are too small and shipped 3 and 4 to a crate, that is actually meant to hold just one horse.
Canadian and international shipping regulations are being broken.
Please help support this ground breaking lawsuit.
Read the full CTV story by clicking here.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
TORONTO SUN: The mystery meat behind your sausage. Worried about the MANE ingredient?
“If this is happening farther up the supply chain, where some of their suppliers aren’t declaring what’s in there, could it be because some of this meat is unfit for human consumption?”
Read the full story on the Toronto Sun website.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!