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The Italian government has become the first to officially recognise the horse as an athlete by law, in a move welcomed as an “interesting development”.
The decision was made at the end of January by the Italian government, at a conference titled “Horse athlete: protections and prospects”, organised by the Italian equestrian federation (FISE).
The article continues…
The legislation means that a horse is defined as an “athlete horse” when specific requirements are met; it is registered with FISE and declared not for human consumption.
“Italy is a pioneering country in the legal recognition of the horse as a true athlete,” a FISE spokesman said.
“Italy, with FISE at the forefront, is therefore a world leader for equine welfare, in particular regarding ‘athlete horses’ involved in equestrian sports.
“This is an historic decision by the Italian government.”
Representatives of the FEI, the Italian ministry of health and the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) were among those at the conference.
IJRC director Eleonora Ottaviani, who contributed to the debate, said: “This law provides the opportunity to finally recognise the horse as subject, and no longer object, in our sport. The well-being and welfare of horses has long been an area of mutual collaboration between the IJRC and the FEI.
“The news of the enactment of this important law in Italy was greeted with enthusiasm by the members of the IJRC. For the first time, the words ‘athletic horse’ or ‘athlete horse’ have become a legal term.”
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
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Thank you Humane Canada for submitting a brief on Bill C-355 for the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-food. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
With regard to transportation, Humane Canada holds that no animal should be transported in a manner that is likely to cause suffering. This requires consideration of environmental conditions to which they are exposed, that containers and handling must be appropriate to the species, and that animals being transported together must be compatible, among other factors. Given that transportation is the most distressing time in a farmed animal’s life, transportation should be minimized, and journeys should be as short as possible.
Because the live export of horses via long-distance flights for slaughter cannot meet these requirements and due to the inherent risks to animal welfare, Humane Canada is unable to support this practice.
You may not be aware but in addition to allowing the slaughter of horses within Canada for human consumption — Canada allows for the live transport of horses to other countries for the purpose of slaughter.
Make no mistake about it, the way in which horses destined to be slaughtered are transported, in no way shape or form resembles the great care, when being shipped by air shown to pet or show or sport horses – including racehorses.
Horses destined for slaughter are crammed in crates, often 3 or even 4 in crates designed for one horse – but don’t take our word for it – watch the full CTV W5 report here or a shorter 2 minute video below.
BELOW you will find a 2 minute video that includes a shipper freely admitting that regulations limiting the length of time horses can be in transport without food, water or veterinary care was recently broken – with permission of the CFIA – the federal agency charged with protecting the safety of livestock being transported within and out of Canada.
We are 100% volunteer & crowdfunded.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
You may not be aware but in addition to allowing the slaughter of horses within Canada for human consumption — Canada allows for the live transport of horses to other countries for the purpose of slaughter.
Make no mistake about it, the way in which horses destined to be slaughtered are transported, in no way shape or form resembles the great care, when being shipped by air shown to pet or show or sport horses – including racehorses.
Horses destined for slaughter are crammed in crates, often 3 or even 4 in crates designed for one horse – but don’t take our word for it – watch the full CTV W5 report here or a shorter 2 minute video below.
BELOW you will find a 2 minute video that includes a shipper freely admitting that regulations limiting the length of time horses can be in transport without food, water or veterinary care was recently broken – with permission of the CFIA – the federal agency charged with protecting the safety of livestock being transported within and out of Canada.
We are 100% volunteer & crowdfunded.
0% goes towards salaries. Yes, ZERO.
You do NOT need a PayPal account to donate through PayPal.
You may make a one time donation or if you prefer set up a monthly donation.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
Yes, both of the following videos are hard to watch, but if nothing else please consider playing the longer one and listening to the voice-over without watching the video.
With very special thanks to Animal Welfare Foundation | Tierschutzbund Zurich for all their work on both of these videos — and for everything they have done for so many horses around the world.
Tens of thousands of horses are routinely slaughtered in Canada, for human consumption.
The Bouvry slaughter plant is located in Alberta and the same family owns a horse slaughter plant in Quebec.
Some of the meat is consumed in Canada, and much of it is shipped to the European Union, and other markets, including China and Japan.
This barbaric practice is currently not legal in the United States, so horses from the United States are shipped to Canada, and to Mexico, to be slaughtered.
In addition, Canada allows for the transportation of live horses to Japan to be slaughtered for human consumption, and unfortunately, the transportation of horses destined for slaughter within Canada, and by air to Japan for slaughter, is far from humane.
Most of the following footage was shot at the Bouvry Slaughter Plant in Alberta, Canada.
Today, June 28th, 2023 the plant is NOT currently slaughtering horses but another plant in Quebec – owned by the same family is.
UPDATE: There was a very short window in 2023 where horse slaughter stopped for a few weeks at the Bouvry plant in Fort Macleod, Alberta. BUT it wasn’t long before the slaughter of horses started again. You can find what’s happened since and more history about Bouvry Exports LTD here.
If you don’t feel you can watch, we understand. But maybe consider hitting play and turning your back and listening to the video below – or closing your eyes and listening.
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!
Remember the petition that we shamelessly flogged and promised had clout because it was sponsored by a Member of Parliament?
Well it closed, and thanks to you, it’s been presented in Canadian Parliament and again thanks to you and your support it’s brought about all kinds of coverage in major publications (Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, The National Post) and on for example CBC THE NATIONAL, the CTV & GLOBAL networks — and now the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Canada) has responded – in writing.
Here’s part of what she has to say…
Horses are then transported by air to the importing country, notably Japan, and horses that are exported from Canada for slaughter are subject to the same regulations as horses shipped for other uses, such as breeding or international sporting events. For every shipment, all participants are required to meet all Canadian and international standards. [Read her full response here.]
Really? Seriously?
Do the wooden crates used to transport horses from Canada to Japan (and other markets) for slaughter look anything like the carefully crafted metal, padded "stalls" used to transport show and other horses by air?
Does how horses destined for slaughter are loaded onto flights look anything like how show and other horses are carefully led onto flights?
Seriously? Minister Bibeau, please watch the short videos that show otherwise.
All one has to do is look at footage provided by the CBC National News, or footage from CTV's W5 expose/documentary to realize that is NOT the case.
In no way shape or form does the way in which horses are transported to slaughter resemble how horses exported for other purposes are handled.
AND as covered recently on the CBC National News and as freely admitted by those who transport horses from Canada to Japan for slaughter...
(AGAIN, watch the CBC National news coverage)
National and international shipping regulations ARE being broken. Again, listen to the shipper of horses on the CBC National News admit that the CFIA is turning a blind eye.
How dare the Minister say in her response that the poor draft horses are subjected to the same requirements that all horses being shipped internationally by air are!
Are other horses being shipped in rickety wooden containers, unsegregated? NO!!
They are shipped separately from one another in proper horse containers which are usually made of metal and are very well padded.
And in the recent shipment in Dec. departing from Winnipeg, transport times well exceeded the legislated required maximum of 28 hrs without food, water and rest, leading to the downing of 3 horses on arrival in Japan.
There were no consequences to all involved. Simply the “cost of doing business” in their eyes!
And the newly implemented animal transport regs now only require that incompatible animals be segregated.
It is impossible for any CFIA vet to determine compatibility on the spot at the time of loading the horses.
Regardless, compatibility can quickly change due to the stress of the flight.
I wrote the Minister well over a month ago and have yet to receive a response from her.
So much for her engaging in consultation with all concerned parties.
This is despite my meeting with two Liberal MPs here in Brampton.
My question remains, why is she even consulting anyone?
The PM campaigned on banning these shipments and he issued a directive to the Minister to do so in his mandate letter dated Dec. 16, 2021. Yet these inhumane shipments continue, and horses continue to be injured on these flights.
Canadians should be outraged!!!
Imagine this: Cute little dogs being bred on farms for the sole purpose of being shipped overseas to be slaughtered and fed as a delicacy to the rich.
But before they reach their final destination, before they are killed and butchered, they are stuffed into small wooden crates (up to four animals crowded in the tiny enclosure) for the often bumpy, terrifying 8,000 km journey – going without food and water for up to 25 to 30 hours.
Imagine if Canadians found out this practice was taking place.
We would collectively go ballistic and demand it be immediately shut down. And any government that hoped to get re-elected would act instantly. They wouldn’t take months or years. It would be shut down overnight. [read the full article here...]
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The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, the current Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, has the power to end the inhumane export of horses by air for slaughter by enacting a regulatory amendment.
Help spread the word by sharing this email campaign with friends and family! You can also support the cause by donating—your contribution will help fund advertising efforts to raise awareness and push for change. Every action makes a difference!