FEB 14, 2024:
Most of us will not be surprised that producers of beef and other meat within Canada are in favour of continuing the live export of horses for the purpose of slaughter. [Scroll down for a list.]
Meat producers are afraid that if Bill C-355 passes, advocates will come after them and ban the live export of other sentient beings for the purpose of slaughter. Even though this bill has nothing to do with any species other than horses.
We “almost get” that meat producers are afraid — although we also know that within each organization there are horse lovers who even though they slaughter cattle — are opposed to the slaughter of horses or the export for that purpose.
BUT what about Equestrian Canada and Spruce Meadows – opposing the banning of the live export of horses for the purpose of slaughter? Are we the only ones who find that their names on the list of those opposed to Bill C-355 is surprising?
Scroll down for “testimony” given by Equestrian Canada during the committee proceedings.
FEB. 13, 2024:
From the Minutes of the first session on Bill C-355 by the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-food:
MP Warren Steinley (Conservative):
I have a list of stakeholders who do NOT support Bill C-355.
It’s something that I’d like to put into the record.
Some of my colleagues have said that this is a pan-Canadian approach and that lots of people across the country are in favour of this, but lots of groups have questions and concerns about this.
The list includes the following:
the Air Line Pilots Association Canada;
Alberta Auction Markets Association;
Alberta Beef Producers;
Alberta Breeder Finance Inc.;
Alberta Grazing Leaseholders Association;
Beef Farmers of Ontario;
British Columbia Cattlemen’s Association;
Canadian Cattle Association;
Canadian Equine Exporters Association;
Canadian Meat Council;
Canadian Federation of Agriculture;
Egg Farmers of Alberta;
Equestrian Canada;
Feeder Associations of Alberta Limited;
Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada [Do NOT let that name fool you, they advocate for slaughter of horses within Canada];
Livestock Markets Association of Canada;
Les Producteurs de bovins du Québec;
Manitoba Beef Producers;
members of the Métis Nation of Alberta;
New Brunswick Cattle Producers;
Nova Scotia Cattle Producers;
Saskatchewan cattle producers;
Spruce Meadows;
Prince Edward Island Cattle Producers;
Western Cash Advance Program Inc.;
and Western Stock Growers’ Association.
P.S. With the Canadian Food Inspection Agency NOT surprised that horse meat is being passed off as other than horse meat in Canadian grocery stores we think producers of other meat within Canada would be better served going after the domestic slaughter of horses for human consumption rather than opposing a bill to ban the live export of horses to slaughter.
UPDATE FEB. 29, 2024:
A representative from Equestrian Canada, Ms. Melanie McLearon, Director of Marketing and Communications, gave testimony during the second session of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-food. We’ve included her testimony below.
Please note Bill C-355 IF passed allows for an 18 month transition time meaning that for 18 months (again IF the bill passes) those shipping horses to slaughter will still be able to ship horses to Japan or other markets for the purpose of slaughter or for fattening for slaughter.
It appears Equine Canada are “okay” with horses being shipped to slaughter but worried about those same horses if the ability to be shipped to slaughter outside of the country goes away?
We are also surprised that given the fact that the paperwork required to slaughter a horse within Canada is an EID (Equine Identification Document), and is extremely minimal in scope and is on the “honour system” — we are shocked there would be any concern over “extra” paperwork. (We like to remind people how easy it is for a stolen horse to be slaughtered within Canada – and have several cases documented here and here.)
Is extra paperwork not worth it when it comes to stopping the barbaric practice of sending horses to Japan or other markets to be slaughtered? Or are we missing something?
When shipping horses internationally, “agents” familiar with the rules and regulations are the order of the day – and other countries have sections in documents for shipping requiring that horses are marked as NOT being intended for slaughter. Those competing internationally with their horses can attest to this. Surely a little extra paperwork is worth banning the export of horses for the purpose of slaughter.
That any equine organization professing to love horses would be complaining about “extra” paperwork is beyond us.
To say we are disappointed in the response from Equine Canada is an understatement.
You may not be aware but in addition to allowing the slaughter of horses within Canada for human consumption — Canada allows for the live transport of horses to other countries for the purpose of slaughter.
Make no mistake about it, the way in which horses destined to be slaughtered are transported, in no way shape or form resembles the great care, when being shipped by air shown to pet or show or sport horses – including racehorses.
Horses destined for slaughter are crammed in crates, often 3 or even 4 in crates designed for one horse – but don’t take our word for it – watch the full CTV W5 report here or a shorter 2 minute video below.
BELOW you will find a 2 minute video that includes a shipper freely admitting that regulations limiting the length of time horses can be in transport without food, water or veterinary care was recently broken – with permission of the CFIA – the federal agency charged with protecting the safety of livestock being transported within and out of Canada.
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It may be hard for some to believe that tens of thousands of horses, including pets, are routinely slaughtered in Canada, for human consumption.
Some of the meat is consumed in Canada and much of it is shipped to the European Union and other markets, including Japan.
The barbaric slaughter of horses is currently not legal in the United States, BUT horses, including pets and ex-racehorses, from the United States are shipped to Canada and to Mexico to be slaughtered.
In addition Canada allows for the transportation of live horses to Japan, to be slaughtered for human consumption, and unfortunately the transportation of horses destined for slaughter within Canada, and by air, is far from humane.
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