MARCH 1, 2024 : UPDATE
This pony has a long road ahead – and we’re still working at funding and placements for the horses in this ongoing situation.
Meanwhile there never seems to be an end to the need for foster homes and funding for horses destined for slaughter.
Where to start?
First, this is an ongoing situation where the owner has threatened to call a kill buyer and send all his horses to slaughter.
As a result, we are being careful with what details we disclose.
Those who know horses are likely joining us with tears in their eyes as they look at the picture above.
Those neglected hooves are extremely painful and yes, if you’re wondering this poor pony could barely walk.
The pony was relinquished by the owner (but other horses remain in his “care”).
This pony is now in a safe place but as you can well imagine this pony’s hoof and other health issues will take time, considerable effort and greater expense than many rescued horses do.
No, the SPCA is NOT involved – at least not yet.
Why has the SPCA not been called?
If the SPCA are called in, here’s what happens…
They investigate and outline improvements with a timeline for those improvements to be implemented by the owner.
The SPCA will NOT immediately confiscate the horses, or immediately charge the owner.
They will visit and “work with” the owner first.
NOTE: We are NOT criticizing the SPCA – it’s just how the system works.
Because the owner has threatened to call a kill buyer and has no qualms about selling these horses to a kill buyer — we know that if the SPCA shows up — the owner will NOT comply to their demands and will call a kill buyer to pick up these horses.
Again, he has already threatened that.
And yes, every aspect of this situation is being documented.
So here’s the next question we are getting.
How many other horses are there?
This is a tricky situation.
We don’t want to “out” this owner – at least not yet – because as already stated the fear is the rest of the horses will be sent to slaughter, so again we’re being careful with details – for now.
Can the rest of the horses be relinquished or purchased?
Yes, the rest of the horses can be purchased.
This presents further challenges, not only is money needed to continue to care for the pony as above but money is needed to buy the horses, and they need to be fostered, they will need hoof and vet care and to be fed until permanent homes can be found.
As anyone associated with any aspect of horse ownership and rescue understands the purchase of horses is only the first step, it’s what comes after that requires the most effort and is expensive.
Ever feel like you’re caught between a rock and a hard place?
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It may be hard for some to believe that tens of thousands of horses, including pets, are routinely slaughtered in Canada, for human consumption.
Some of the meat is consumed in Canada and much of it is shipped to the European Union and other markets, including Japan.
The barbaric slaughter of horses is currently not legal in the United States, BUT horses, including pets and ex-racehorses, from the United States are shipped to Canada and to Mexico to be slaughtered.
In addition Canada allows for the transportation of live horses to Japan, to be slaughtered for human consumption, and unfortunately the transportation of horses destined for slaughter within Canada, and by air, is far from humane.
HON. PIERRE J. DALPHONDBill C-355 - a bill to ban the export of horses from Canada for the purpose of slaughter by air or to be fattened for slaughter passed through Parliament and is now in the hands of Canada's Senators. Senators are appointed by the Governor...
IS THERE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST?"In the Alberta Rockies, advocates say feral herds are being wrongfully blamed for ecological damage that the province wants to contain, if necessary, with population control." - The Globe and Mail.Below we are including a few excerpts...
CANADIAN ICON JANN ARDEN GAINS MORE PRESS Thank you, Jann Arden, for your unwavering commitment to advocating for the protection of horses. Your efforts, particularly in helping to ban the live export of horses for slaughter, have made a tremendous difference. (That...