Juno Award winning singer / songwriter star of hit TV series The Jann Show, Canada's beloved, Jann Arden is lending her voice to the fight to ban horse slaughter in Canada and beyond.
Canadians are horrified to see some countries eat dogs, yet in Canada, in a largely unknown business, beloved horses are being tortured and killed for their meat for human consumption.
Yes, really! It’s #horseshit
People are surprised to learn that horses are being slaughtered in Canada [for human consumption]. Horses that may have been someone’s pet. Perhaps even worse, horses are being exported in crammed conditions, to Japan to be slaughtered for meat.
Thank you Jann Arden
Once again we'd like to thank Jann Arden for all she does to help support the banning of horse slaughter for human consumption. American horses are routinely exported to Mexico and to Canada to be slaughtered. Horses raised in Canada, including pet horses and...
NEW T-shirt Benefits Horse Rescues & Banning Horse Slaughter
VERY special thanks to Patti Lippert for all that she does for so many. Patti is tireless in her efforts to support horse AND donkey rescues. She's also constantly working to help protect wild horses, and is a dedicated advocate for the banning of horse slaughter...
Covid 19 Causing Horse Owners Challenges and Scam Warning
I believe that we can all relate to how some may be facing financial hardships during this global pandemic, including horse owners and those who run, for example riding stables and horse rescues.CBC has featured several articles in the past month including......
Maclean’s: Canada is Go-To of Horse Meat
Photo by: Jen OsborneMaclean’s: Canada is Go-To of Horse Meat "These activists are trying to change that. The Canadian Horse Defence Coalition is waging a court battle to end Canada’s role as an exporter of live horses and frozen horsemeat for human consumption."...
This Shirt Saves Horses’ Lives
UPDTE NOVEMBER 2021: Back for the first time since JUNE of 2020. Once again available for a limited time. Proceeds from this t-shirt go to helping our friends at Horse Rescue Fund. Horse Rescue Fund is dedicated to raising funds and distributing those funds to...
THE WASHINGTON POST - OPINION MARCH 13, 2020 - By Editorial BoardIN THE aftermath of federal indictments that charged more than two dozen people in or associated with horse racing in “a widespread, corrupt” doping scheme, the industry rushed to put on a good face. The...
THE WASHINGTON POST - OPINION DOES A SPORT THAT GAMBLES WITH THE LIVES OF HORSES REALLY BELONG IN OUR WORLD? JANUARY 25, 2020 - By Editorial BoardTHE DEATHS of nearly two dozen horses last year at Santa Anita Park in California caused the famed racetrack to close for...
2 Recalls of Toxic Horse Meat in Canada
DANGEROUS DRUGS FOUND IN HORSE MEAT IN CANADAOkay, so you may be thinking to yourself, "But I don't eat horse meat so what do I care if twice in the last 30 days, horse meat produced in Canada has been recalled due to being tainted with dangerous drugs, drugs that...
Jann Arden Speaks Out & Contributes to CHDC
UPDATE: JANN'S ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER - WORKED!Canadian icon Jann Arden speaks out against the inhumane transport of horses to Japan for human consumption, and lends her voice to the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition.Many, if not most Canadians may not realize that...