We are providing a very small list of equine rescues and sanctuaries.
If the organization is listed on this page (or not) we strongly suggest that you carefully vet any rescue or sanctuary before dontating, or surrendering an equine, or adopting a horse or other equine.
Each of the rescues/organizations has, as far as we can tell, charitable status in Canada or the United States BUT again, please do your own research.
This is by no means a complete list, NOR does this list mean that we endorse these organizations.
If you have others you’d suggest we list, please feel free to contact us.
Most rescues and sanctuaries are constantly on the look out for volunteers.
Even if you don’t have hands on experience with equines you may have other skill sets that can be advantageous to an organization.
Don’t be shy, reach out, ask what they need help with.
Very special thanks to Lindsay Morris for helping with this page.
EVENT Calgary: Canadians Against Live Export
Canadians Against Live Export - YYC is a dedicated group of volunteers who are committed to ending the live shipments of horses from Calgary International Airport, specifically horses destined to be slaughtered for human consumption in So. Korea and Japan. Make no...
Kaley Cuoco – Big Bang Theory
30 SECOND VIDEOYou probably recognize Kaley Cuoco from the TV series, "The Big Bang Theory", but did you know she is an avid horsewoman and that in February 2016, she participated in a campaign that contributed to stopping the slaughter of horses for human consumption...
Tucker Carlson – Say no to horse meat?
Thanks to Patti Lippert for sharing this very informative and thought provoking video on the subject of horse slaughter for human consumption. First broadcast on July 20th, 2018, it's definitely re-post worthy.Thank you to Tucker Carlson's guest Nancy Canarelli...
Calgary Airport allows the inhumane transport of horses to slaughter
Thanks to Debby Murtagh for sharing the following link - it only takes a few seconds to send a message to Calgary International Airport. Fill out the form and ask that they stop the inhumane transport of horses by air, to be slaughtered for human consumption in South...
Winnipeg Airport allows the inhumane transport of horses to slaughter
It only takes a few seconds to send a message to Winnipeg Richardson International Airport. Fill out the form and ask that they stop the inhumane transport of horses by air, to be slaughtered for human consumption in South Korea and Japan. ...
Edmonton Airport allows the inhumane transport of horses to slaughter
Thanks to Karin Nelson for sharing the following - it only takes a few seconds to send a message to Edmonton International Airport. "Here is a link if you would like to send the Edmonton International Airport [an email] and ask that they stop being complicit in...
Noxious weed Hoary Alyssum kills horses
Noxious, invasive weed, hoary alyssum KILLS HORSES. Yes, really. How do I know? I've had personal experience. Not sure what it looks like? You are not alone. Many horses don't find it palatable in the pasture BUT... When baled in hay, they readily eat it, and it...
ASPCA: “Horse Slaughter is NOT Euthanasia”
Last year, approximately 80,000 American horses were trucked over our borders (to Canada and Mexico) to be slaughtered for human consumption. Until this practice is banned and Congress passes a law against slaughter here in the U.S., no horse is safe. The term...
Bracken Fern poisoning in horses
What is Bracken Poisoning? The Bracken fern has wide and triangular leaves and is a popular perennial fern. The spores are born in the very late summer months and live on under the wide leaves, with the leaves folding under to protect them. This plant rises up to...