Special thanks to Horse Rescue Fund board member Michele Bruno for pointing out this Ministerial Mandate Letter, dated today, December 16th, 2021 from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Minster of Agriculture and Agri-food, the honorable Marie Claude Bibeau.

As you may or may not know, during the recent Federal Election, the Liberal Party of Canada included the following on their official party promises:

Now that the Liberal Party has been re-elected, there are horse, and other animal advocates, who have grown impatient — but let’s keep in mind that the Liberals just returned to Parliament –  after re-election on November 22, 2021 – and again today is only December 16th.

I know, I know we are all very impatient but it’s a good sign that the same line appears in the official Ministerial Mandate Letter from Prime Minister Trudeau to Minister Bibeau.

It does not mean that the live export of horses for slaughter has been banned, it simply means that the Liberal Party has not forgotten their election campaign promise and that it is still part of the “conversation” and even though it’s not a done deal, it is BIG NEWS and you should all pat yourselves on your backs.

Again, it’s most definitely a step in the right direction – congratulations.

So what else can we do to bring about change?

Canadian icon and staunch anti slaughter advocate, Jann Arden recently posted the following:


AND you can click here and send a note, to not only the Member of Parliament for your electorial district but also to Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Marie Cluade Bibeau.

P.S. There’s even a letter for you to use and/or personalize.

Want to do more?  Please see the Call to Action list here.

AND THANK YOU for all that you have done and continue to do.




It may be hard for some to believe that tens of thousands of horses, including pets, are routinely slaughtered in Canada, for human consumption.

Some of the meat is consumed in Canada and much of it is shipped to the European Union and other markets, including  Japan.

The barbaric slaughter of horses is currently not legal in the United States, BUT  horses, including pets and ex-racehorses, from the United States are shipped to Canada and to Mexico to be slaughtered.

In addition Canada allows for the transportation of live horses to Japan,  to be slaughtered for human consumption, and unfortunately the transportation of horses destined for slaughter within Canada, and by air, is far from humane. 

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