YOU can have a say in the questions that are asked of Canadian Federal Election Candidates during the upcoming televised debate, but hurry the deadline is fast approaching.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form. If enough of us ask for the Candidates’ views on the slaughter of horses within Canada for human consumption, and the inhumane transport of horses to Japan and South Korea to be slaughtered… Imagine the increased awareness we can create.
When you scroll down on the link above there is a space on the form for TWO questions…
EXAMPLE: Feel free to copy and paste.
I would like to know how each of the leaders feel about 2 related issues, first the slaughter of horses within Canada for human consumption within Canada and the export of that meat to other markets.
Second, how do each of the leaders feel about the inhumane shipping of horses by air to Japan and South Korea to be slaughtered there for human consumption?
NOTE: The online submission form closed September 22nd, 2019 BUT you can still ask any of the candidates questions, see #2 below.
It may be hard for some to believe that tens of thousands of horses, including pets, are routinely slaughtered in Canada, for human consumption.
Some of the meat is consumed in Canada and much of it is shipped to the European Union and other markets, including Japan.
The barbaric slaughter of horses is currently not legal in the United States, BUT horses, including pets and ex-racehorses, from the United States are shipped to Canada and to Mexico to be slaughtered.
In addition Canada allows for the transportation of live horses to Japan, to be slaughtered for human consumption, and unfortunately the transportation of horses destined for slaughter within Canada, and by air, is far from humane.
ASPCA: “Horse Slaughter is NOT Euthanasia”
Last year, approximately 80,000 American horses were trucked over our borders (to Canada and Mexico) to be slaughtered for human consumption. Until this practice is banned and Congress passes a law against slaughter here in the U.S., no horse is safe. The term...
Bracken Fern poisoning in horses
What is Bracken Poisoning? The Bracken fern has wide and triangular leaves and is a popular perennial fern. The spores are born in the very late summer months and live on under the wide leaves, with the leaves folding under to protect them. This plant rises up to...
Equine Photographer Steven Quon DONATES
You do NOT need to be in attendance to win. See below for how to buy tickets in Canada OR the United States. Shipping included! The extremely talented equestrian photographer Steven Quon has graciously donated a 20" x 30" -- $600 custom framed, equine...